Monday, October 1, 2012

Plant-based Nutrition for Eating to Prevent Cancer

Welcome to Breast Cancer Awareness Month! This week we're focusing on easy ways to incorporate diet and nutrition habits into a healthy lifestyle that can help prevent certain cancer risks.  Eating a plant-based diet has been shown to decrease the risk of many types of cancer, including breast. In particular, a diet rich in natural compounds known as phytochemicals, found mostly in colorful fruits and vegetables, can promote health. Phytochemicals work together with vitamins and nutrients to combat disease, acting as antioxidants to protect against or repair damage to cells.

With that in mind, here are some tips for incorporating a plant-based, whole foods rich diet into your life this month.   

Have LESS:
  • Red meat
    Choose the leanest cuts to reduce saturated fat.
  • Processed meat
    Limit lunch meat, sausages, hot dogs, etc.
  • Trans fat
    Avoid packaged foods that include the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" on their ingredients label - that's trans fat!
  • Saturated fat
    Found mostly in animal products, such as meat and full fat dairy.
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • These foods (like white bread, white rice, etc.) have been stripped of their nutrients in processing.
    Choose whole grains and whole wheat options instead!
  • Refined sugar
  • Alcohol
    Limit to one drink per day.
  • Soda
    Soda interferes with calcium absorption and has no nutritional value.
Have MORE:
  • Whole foods
    Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, olive oil, etc.
  • Lean protein
    Fish, poultry, beans
    Fish also includes omega 3's, which will help reduce inflammation.
  • Whole grains
    Whole wheat bread/pasta, brown rice, barley, quinoa, bulgur, oats, etc.
  • Seasonings (salt-free)
    Tumeric and ginger in particular include antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory.
Interested in more advice? The American Cancer Society offers free over-the-phone counseling on nutrition by registered dietitians specializing in oncology. Follow-up materials and support is also offered. Call 800-227-2345 for more information.

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