Monday, September 24, 2012

Checking In: Stay Healthy & Stress Free When Feeling Busy!

Fall is a busy time! Kids are back at school, everyone returns to the office from summer vacation, traffic gets worse, and schedules fill up quickly. I know I’m feeling my stress levels increase a bit lately and I’m sure you all are, too. Here are some tips to keep stress levels in check this fall.

1. Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a major disturber of peoples’ moods – you’re almost guaranteed to start off your day on the wrong foot if you wake up exhausted before you’ve even done anything. Set a specific bed time deadline for yourself and stick to it. Try to spend at least 15 minutes in bed reading or unwinding before your actual bed time – it will make it easier to fall asleep if you’re already relaxed.

2. Make a to-do list. Write everything down, either by hand or electronically, that you need to accomplish. Separate it by day. Having everything clearly laid out with a plan of action will make the tasks seem more manageable, and easier to remember!

3. Exercise. Studies show that one of the quickest and surest ways to boost your mood is to exercise – I know this one really works for me! The hardest part of a workout is often just getting yourself out the door. Set a time limit for yourself – for example, “I only have to walk/jog/run for 5 minutes, then I’ll see how I feel.” Often by the time you’ve started, you’ll be motivated to do more! 

4. Get outside. Even if it’s just a short walk, getting a little fresh air and sunshine (without the distractions of your cell phone and email) is a great way to boost your mood and relieve stress. I love fitting in lunch time walks at work. Not only will the exercise boost your mood, but the sunlight will help, too! Walking meetings or short 15 minute afternoon walking breaks are a great idea as well. You’re never too busy to fit in a short break, and often you’ll come back refreshed and even more productive than before.

5. Plan ahead. Hurrying out the door and always running 5 minutes late is often a stressor and dampens a good mood. Plan ahead and try to give yourself plenty of time to do what you need to do.

6. Make time for fun. What do you love to do? What relaxes you? Maybe it’s going to a movie, reading a good book, hanging out at a coffee shop with friends, or exploring a new area of your city – whatever it is, make time for it. Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you can’t fit in some “me” time.  

7. Eliminate anything that’s not necessary. We all want to be heroes and say yes to any and every opportunity that comes our way, but it’s impossible to do everything and be everywhere. For your own health, learn to be comfortable saying NO to opportunities that you simply don’t have time for. Whoever is asking will understand. 

How do you reduce stress when you’re busy?

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