Monday, June 11, 2012

NEAT Movement: Everyday Chores Can Count as Exercise!

The CDC recommends that we get at least of 2.5 hours of activity each week, which breaks down to approximately one 30-60 minute workout almost every day (1). There are a few loopholes often overlooked; it doesn’t have to be one block of thirty (or sixty) minutes, and “activity” doesn’t have to mean a planned exercise routine. Mundane chores that occasionally take precedence in our daily routine can contribute to each weekly minutes-of-activity total. They may not be our favorite ways to get moving, but with the tips below, they can be essential team players in the healthy lifestyle game!

Researchers not only found that “everyday activities” were effectively burning calories, but they also coined a term to group these together – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, aka NEAT movements (2). We need to look at our environment, and daily habits, with a new perspective. Moving more, sitting less and taking advantage of errands are all areas of opportunities to add minutes to the exercise-clock throughout the day!

The following NEAT activities top the list of heart-rate jumpers and calorie burners! Use these tips and tidbits to move more, every day:

Walk it off - Casual walking can burn anywhere from 100-150 calories per half hour (30 minutes); incorporating more steps into your day can add to total calories burned quickly. Pick up your pace and that number increases! Park far away; get off the bus and/or subway one stop early; walk to a coworker’s desk instead of emailing or calling.

While walking around, always take the stairs! When you need extra motivation to do climb the steps, think about this: taking the stairs burns more calories per minute than jogging!

Be a “neat-freak” – Most, if not all, cleaning chores requires hand, arm and/or leg movements.  Keeping the house tidy can really add up (3):

Vacuuming, Sweeping            ~165 cals/hr
Mopping/scrubbing floors       ~300 cals/hr
Dusting                                  ~160 cals/hr
Wiping windows                    ~200 cals/hr

Sit up, Stand up – If you have to sit, make note to straighten up and be proud of your posture. Tighten your core and try not to slouch. Otherwise, stand up! Standing burns 50% more calories per hour than sitting – stand while folding laundry, take work-breaks by standing and stretching your legs, and/or convert to a “standing-desk”. Take note of how often you sit, and start rethinking chores, workplace norms and daily tasks to get on your feet!

Do what you love – Think about what makes you happy, and do that more often. Prioritize activity and movement in a way that makes you excited to get through the day, and you’ll be more likely to stick to this NEAT activity-filled lifestyle.

If you enjoy riding a bike, use this (with a backpack) for small errands, commuting and/or a family activity. If you love to dance, turn on some tunes and bust out some moves in your living room, and/or while you clean! If you gravitate towards a sport, find friends and/or family who will “play” with you at least once per week.

Change the way you think about “exercise” and those recommended minutes! It’s easy to let small things add up, and this naturally moving lifestyle is sustainable because it incorporates things we already do on a daily basis. To make these changes effective - ultimately increasing your health and fitness – only takes a small adjustment in perspective.

What other NEAT activities do you do on a daily basis? This list could be long, and we’d love to have your personal touch!

1.       Center for Disease Control & Prevention: Physical Activity for Everyone
2.       New York Times: Is Sitting Lethal?
3.       Hive Health Media: 10 Household Cleaning Chores That Get You Exercise

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