Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Simple Health: 10 Daily Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

The health and fitness news sources are constantly abuzz with science breakthroughs, new recommendations, super foods, trendy diets and conflicting reports about what’s “healthy” and what’s not. It can be quite a challenge to keep it all straight! Headlines can make a lot of noise without always providing any substantial, helpful and clear information.

Here, we sift through the latest tips and trends to provide ten simple daily habits  for a healthy lifestyle!

1.      Indulge with intention Dessert doesn’t always have to take a back-seat in the healthy eating routine! In fact, some treats such as dark chocolate have been shown to contain healthy antioxidants. There’s always room for indulgences, with good intention! Satisfy a sweet tooth instead of depriving it; enjoy a few bites of your favorite treat; save room for a post-meal sweet, allowing yourself the pleasure of dessert in moderation.   

2.      Let water be simple – One thing that should be a staple in every healthy diet, every day, is water. Pure, plain and untouched – just water. While store shelves are now stocked with every variation we can think of – fruit flavored, vitamin-enhanced, carbonated, etc. – it’s always safe to say that the healthiest choice is the simple one. Whether it’s filtered or from the tap, water is always available and always necessary to maintain hydration. 

3.      Embrace the fat – Gone are days where fat gets filed on the “bad” foods list, and “low-fat” foods are considered the better option. Now we know the benefits of this once vilified food group, and encourage including nuts, seeds, plant-based oils and fish in your daily meals and snacks!

4.      Ditch the “diet” drinks – Research has suggested that artificially sweetened zero-calorie beverages may potentially cause weight gain and may be harmful to oral health. Instead of quenching your thirst with added real or fake sugars, opt for water or tea.  

5.      Enjoy the food process, not processed foods – Pre-packaged and/or frozen meals tend to boast health claims and trendy diet words, yet they’re typically packed with sodium and provide little to no quality nutrients as a whole. In terms of cost, they’re often more expensive than making the same meal in your own kitchen!  Cooking, and enjoying the process of preparing and creating your own meals, is much more satisfying and often much healthier for you!
6.      Sleep well, snooze often - An adequate amount of sleep helps our body maintain all systems! When we’re lacking enough sleep throughout the day or week(s), it can lead to increased stress, weight gain, chronic fatigue/low energy levels, mood swings and trouble concentrating. Unfortunately, we don’t have a “sleep bank” – we can’t stock up on sleep hours, or make up the time on the weekends. Aim for 7-8 hours per night as part of your healthy routine.  

7.      Mix and match workouts - There isn’t one magic exercise that will keep us healthy and strong. Instead, mixing different types of workouts will help balance muscle strength, endurance and flexibility! Add in some elements of cardio (aerobic) exercise with strength-training and stretching to get the most out of your weekly fitness routine. 

8.      Clean your choppers – Oral health is an important aspect of the big picture! Keep in mind that the best time to brush is at least 30 minutes after a meal or snack. Flossing at least once per day is essential for clean teeth and healthy gums, as well. 

9.      Snack smart – Look closely at the ingredient lists on granola or ‘snack’ bars, and be weary of added sugars, and things that don’t generally register as “food”. Snacks should be an opportunity in the day to get in nutrients – upping your fruit and vegetable intake, getting healthy fats and protein with mixed nuts, or opting for a more whole-foods bar with short ingredient lists (ex. Larabar, KIND bars, etc.). 

10.  Relax and recharge - Start and end each day with something relaxing; minimize screen-time (television, computer, and/or cell phones) before bed and/or immediately after waking up. Give yourself time to wind down without excess stimulation and stress! 

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