Friday, August 19, 2011

Race Season... a Mandate to MOVE!

In my profession I encounter people everyday struggling to find the motivation for making positive changes in life. As a nutritionist and personal trainer these positive changes typically involve healthy eating and regular exercise. It seems simple from an outsider’s perspective… such habits promote a healthy body weight, a fit physique, prolonged health and disease prevention. An apple a day and all that nonsense, right? Well if we all know it to be true, which we ALL do, why is it so tough to act on it? Why isn’t that enough motivation?

Let’s evaluate this for a minute. What’s your motivation to pick your kid up from sports practice? Or to be at that emergency meeting your boss called for 8:00 am tomorrow morning? The universal answer, of course, is the threat of immediate consequence. You can’t just leave your kid at the soccer field! But with healthy lifestyle habits like diet and exercise, the consequences come on much more gradually. Maybe it’s a few pounds of weight gain per year, or development of heart disease or diabetes 20 years from now. The human body is amazing at adapting to whatever habits you throw its way. That is, you get so accustomed to being out of shape and eating fast food everyday you don’t even realize how much better you could feel by making better choices.

Helping people to find and connect with their personal internal motivations, and then to act on them (maybe a consistent morning workout or simply skipping the weekly office birthday cake), is easily the most challenging part of my job! Staying motivated when the consequences of your actions sit miles down the road can be a truly daunting task, even for the most dedicated health nuts! So why not take a tip from all the things in your day that regularly push exercise to the bottom of the list? Why not create some more immediate motivation and consequence for your healthy lifestyle habits? We’ll call it a “mandate to move!”

Turns out this time of year presents one of the simplest and most universal motivators to exercise… race season! The fall season is primetime for all sorts of outdoor athletic races and events, from marathons, to breast cancer walks to small local events. Walking, running, cycling, mountain biking, triathlon… there is undoubtedly something for everyone. Sign yourself up for one today and figure out how to train for it tomorrow! Ask a family member or friend to join you and make it a team effort. It will get you off the couch and offer an opportunity for a significant sense of accomplishment. And accomplishment is often the greatest motivator of all!

Use the activity finder at or to find an event in your area.

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