Spring has sprung …on paper anyway. This past Sunday marked the official first day of spring. And while many of us are still enduring winter storms, or forecasting them, most of us have had at least one or two days of sun and warmth to whet our appetites for spring. Inevitably the longer, warmer, sunlit days stir something within us. We feel a heightened sense of energy and vigor, commonly accompanied by a playfully positive mood and overwhelming desire to be OUTSIDE. This concept of “spring fever” is not without purpose. This is nature’s way of luring us out of our winter hibernation, spurning us to get active and start moving more while igniting the natural process of shedding those extra winter layers (pounds), also known as getting bathing-suit ready! (Alternative evolutionary interpretations involving sexual activity will not be discussed here.) This time of year feels like a celebration because it IS a celebration. After the long months of winter we can finally go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature as nature intended.
Connect with your body and mind this season and let yourself follow those sun-born desires to be outside and active! Whether you’ve been exercising indoors all winter, or waiting for the weather to turn to get going (as I know many of you have), get outside this week and set the foundation for a long season of outdoor fitness and optimal health!
Here are some fun suggestions to get you started:
- Take a walk at dusk. The coolness of early evening and low sunlight make this a perfect time to share with your significant other, or man’s best friend. Keep a brisk pace, aim for at least 30 minutes or 2+ miles.
- Go for a hike or trail-run. The excitement and beauty of a nature trail keeps the brain occupied and allows most individuals to exercise longer with less perceived effort. Try a new one in your area each weekend!
- Ride a bike. Any bike! Whether you’re “cycling” or just taking a leisurely ride on the old banana seat, choose a destination or map a route for yourself ahead of time. Perhaps ride to a local park or city-center and take in the sites. Or even better (if possible), bike to work!
- Sign up for a walk or race. Setting an intention and a goal for your exercise program can be a great motivator and will provide ample gratification upon completion.
- Organize a pick-up game. You’re not the only one feeling the pull of the sunshine. Organize some family and friends for a pick-up game of your favorite team sport: basketball, football, softball, tennis, badminton, Ultimate Frisbee or whatever you like!
- Take yoga outdoors. Barefoot in the grass may be the way that yoga was meant to be done. In the studio we are missing that one crucial aspect of the ancient practice, physical connection with the earth. New research suggests that “grounding” ourselves to the earth more regularly may provide a myriad of health benefits.
- Have a catch! Yes, for many, spring means baseball in the backyard. But this is not limited to being a father-son activity any more. There are a variety of ball games available for people of all ages and abilities. Stop by your local sporting goods store and pick one out!
- Hit the links… and WALK the course! Golf can be an expensive sport, so hurry up to catch some gorgeous spring weather at a winter rate.